Puppy Panic
What do I pack for 2 weeks cruising the Danube with Viking? This is the question I am asked most often so here is a very boring packing post. Warm weather packing is easier than colder but I do just carry on for both.
1. It always starts with a panicked pandemic puppy who is yet to understand that we travel and we return. Caesar will learn but it is sad to see him.
Just Carry-On Luggage!
2. I was the absolute Queen of over-packers, but now I love the flexibility that traveling with just carry-ons offers. You can handle all your own luggage. You are able to change flights with ease since no checked luggage. You *almost* never lose your luggage. I say almost because for some smaller planes they will make me gate check my roll on. Gate checking is much more secure than checking at the front desk and mine has never been lost, but I do put Apple Air Tags in both pieces of luggage just in case. My purse is small and fits into the soft carry-on.

The Specifics
3. One side of black luggage:
-Blue taffeta dress that washes in sink dress-I should have bought a dozen
-leggings and sports bra for exercise
-2 pairs of shoes, orange for walking and black sandals for dressier. (The black sandals are really rubber but they don’t look like it. They are cheaper and useful if pool wear is needed.) I wear tennis shoes on the plane.
-Underwear, bathing suit, and nightgown
-orange lightweight polar fleece to match shoes
-white jeans. I wear a second pair on the plane
– very lightweight rain parka
-packable hat
-the pink square is a collapsable full suitcase, useful in case I do need to check my black one and want to keep some critical pieces with me or if I shop too much and can check it on the way home.
-2 white tee shirts and one long sleeve cotton white blouse.

Taffeta Rules, Dresses, and More Dresses
4. The second side of my black luggage is for things that are more prone to wrinkle.
-3 silk tops, cream, black, and pink (I know silk is harder to wash and there is no dry cleaning on the riverboat, but the lightweight and ease of wear makes it a good choice for me.)
-5 lightweight dresses. I often wear these when touring instead of pants as they are more comfortable and take up very little room. The pink dress is also taffeta. It washes in the sink and drys overnight.
-2 pairs of silk pants, cream, and black

Coastal Grandmother before it was a thing.
5. For the Plane:
-Full-on coastal grandmother, though I must note I was wearing creams, whites, and pink way before this became a trend.
-White waterproof coat–may be too hot for this trip but great for many things, not the least of which is rolling up and using as an extra pillow on the plane. I feel better having a warmer piece for planes or longer air-conditioned transfers.
-White silk blazer that I wear with everything
-black tee shirt (I love Kirkland from Costco for tees.)
-white jeans
-tennis shoes

Pack Snacks!
Everything else, purse, 3 oz liquids, computer, phones, cords, snacks, etc go in the pink soft carry-on.
We will be going on the Rhine in March. Won’t we need warmer clothes?
Yes, you will, but I have still been able to pack a carry-on only with warmer/winter clothing. I wear my coat, sweater, and heaviest pants and shoes. Then pack the lighter weight separates. Enjoy, that is a beautiful time of year along the Rhine!